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UTRC follows the reporting requirements set forth by the U.S. Department of Transportation's Research and Innovative Technology Administration (RITA). The purpose of these reports is to share the funded research results available for the transportation professionals and researchers and to publish the center’s past and future activities in the education, workforce development and technology transfer programs.

UTRC publications include a variety of reports; Project Reports, Project Briefs, Journal Articles, Quarterly Newsletters, Annual Reports, and Conference Reports. These reports can be accessed using the search tool which filters publications by the report type, publication year, principal investigator, and research topics.

Title: When misconceptions impede best practices: evidence supports biological control of invasive Phragmites

Author(s): Bernd Blossey

Publication Year: 2019

Development of a biological control program for invasive Phagmites australis australis in North America required 20 years of careful research, and consideration of management alternatives. A recent paper by Kiviat et al. (Biol Invasions 21:2529–…

Title: Utilizing Digital Exhaust from Smartphone Applications for Transportation Planning, Continuous Measurement, and Market Analysis

Author(s): Dr. Jonathan R. Peters, Dr. Candace Brakewood

Publication Year: 2019

The goal of this project was to take a critical look at how new technologies used by transit riders can transform transportation, particularly to assess what riders do after they obtain travel information. The smartphone application, Transit App…

Title: Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Drivers: Making Highways Safer for Everyone

Author(s): Martin E. Gordon

Publication Year: 2019

One of the primary goals of USDOT is to make the U.S. transportation system the safest In the world. In order to fulfill this goal, it is important to understand how to improve highway safety for all users – including those users that may have…

Title: Intelligent Wireless Charging for Electric Buses in Smart City

Author(s): Albert Boulanger

Publication Year: 2016

According to the EPA, 28% of all 2011 GHGs for the US are from transportation related sources.1 These are the second largest sources of GHGs in the US after electricity. The US is also the second highest CO2 emitter after China.2 These emissions…

Title: An Examination of Commercial Vehicle Access to Residential Buildings in New York City

Author(s): Dr. Alison Conway

Publication Year: 2019

Recent growth in ecommerce has quickly impacted the distribution of parcel deliveries in urban areas, with residential deliveries accounting for a rapidly growing share of freight movement. Through field observation and development of a…

Title: Spectral-based Controllability Pedestrian Evacuation Network Synthesis Using Multilayered Estimation Models in Real-time

Author(s): Dr. Neveen Shlayan

Publication Year: 2019

The high uncertainty associated with emergency situations such as blasts, fires, and structural failures makes it extremely difficult to develop evacuation plans that can accommodate in advance every possible systematic failure that may occur in…

Title: Crowdshipping: Evaluating its Impacts on Travel Behavior

Author(s): Dr. Mahdieh Allahviranloo, Dr. Alison Conway

Publication Year: 2019

The rapid emergence of direct-to-home delivery models has quickly changed the spatial and temporal distribution of both individual travelers’ trips and of urban goods movements. A growing number of household and consumer products now being…

Title: Evaluation of Light Emitting Surface and Light Emitting Diode Roadway Luminaires

Author(s): Dr. John Bullough

Publication Year: 2019

In the present study, roadway luminaires using light emitting surface (LES) technology were compared in terms of photometric performance to roadway luminaires using high pressure sodium (HPS) lamps and light emitting diode (LED) sources.…

Title: Traveler Information Application for Route 1 and Route 18 Corridors

Author(s): Dr. Catherine T. Lawson

Publication Year: 2019

The final product of this research is an enhanced Mobile Application platform that receives travel time information, parking information and transit/shuttle schedule information in real time for the Routes 1 (from I-295 to Garden State Parkway)…

Title: Tragedy in Schoharie, New York, and Stretch Limousine Regulatory Reform

Author(s): Matthew W. Daus, Esq

Publication Year: 2019

A tragic limousine crash took the lives of 20 people in Schoharie, New York, in 2018. As the small town mourns the loss of life from one of the deadliest transportation disasters in almost a decade, policy makers across the United States may be…