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UTRC follows the reporting requirements set forth by the U.S. Department of Transportation's Research and Innovative Technology Administration (RITA). The purpose of these reports is to share the funded research results available for the transportation professionals and researchers and to publish the center’s past and future activities in the education, workforce development and technology transfer programs.

UTRC publications include a variety of reports; Project Reports, Project Briefs, Journal Articles, Quarterly Newsletters, Annual Reports, and Conference Reports. These reports can be accessed using the search tool which filters publications by the report type, publication year, principal investigator, and research topics.

Title: Using Visual Information to Determine the Subjective Valuation of Public Space for Transportation: Application to Subway Crowding Costs in NYC

Author(s): Dr. Ricardo A. Daziano, Dr. Linda Nozick

Publication Year: 2017

The objective of this project is to explore the role of visual information in determining the users’ subjective valuation of multidimensional trip attributes that are relevant in decision-making, but are neglected in standard travel demand models…

Title: Reducing Incident-Induced Emissions and Energy Use in Transportation: Use of Social Media Feeds as an Incident Management Support Tool

Author(s): Dr. Camille Kamga, Dr. Anil Yazici

Publication Year: 2017

Ubiquitous connected devices and microblogging platforms, such as Twitter, are providing a huge amount user-generated information that has a great potential for applications in transportation incident management (TIM) with minimal infrastructure…

Title: Impact of Optimization Strategy and Adoption Rate of V2X Technology on Environmental Impact

Author(s): Dr. Katie McConky

Publication Year: 2017

This research evaluated the effects of automated vehicle control strategies on system level emissions, travel time and wait time through a series of traffic lights. The study was conducted using traffic simulation and a realistic vehicle mix. Two…

Title: Simulation of Automated Vehicles' Drive Cycles

Author(s): Scott LeVine

Publication Year: 2018

This research has two objectives:

1) To develop algorithms for plausible and legallyjustifiable freeway car-following and arterial-street gap acceptance driving behavior for AVs

2) To implement these algorithms on a representative…

Title: Simulation of Automated Vehicles' Drive Cycles

Author(s): Scott LeVine

Publication Year: 2018

This research has two objectives:

1) To develop algorithms for plausible and legally-justifiable freeway car-following and arterial-street gap acceptance driving behavior for AVs

2) To implement these algorithms on a representative…

Title: Inferring High-Resolution Individual’s Activity and Trip Purposes with the Fusion of Social Media, Land Use and Connected Vehicle Trajectories

Author(s): Dr. Qing He

Publication Year: 2017

Trip purpose is crucial to travel behavior modeling and travel demand estimation for transportation planning and investment decisions. However, the spatial-temporal complexity of human activities makes the prediction of trip purpose a challenging…

Title: Locating Portable Stations to Support the Operation of Bike Sharing Systems

Author(s): Dr. Jose L. Walteros

Publication Year: 2017

Redistributing bikes has been a major challenge for the daily operation of bike sharing system around the world. Existing literature explore solution strategies that rely on pick-up-and-delivery routing as well as user incentivization approaches…

Title: Bayesian Multilevel Models for Ridership Demand using Rainfall

Author(s): Dr. Naresh Devineni, Dr. Mahdieh Allahviranloo

Publication Year: 2017

The Northeast United States, particularly New York State has experienced an increase in extreme 24-hour precipitation during the past 50 years (Horton et al., 2011). Recent events such as Hurricane Irene and Superstorm Sandy have revealed…

Title: Streetcar Projects as Spatial Planning: A Shift in Transport Planning in the United States

Author(s): Dr. David King

Publication Year: 2016

Currently dozens of U.S. cities are in the midst of planning and building modern streetcar systems. Though seemingly mobility investments, the intended impacts of these streetcar projects reach beyond transportation and represent a strong turn…

Title: Do Consumer Expenditures Affect the Demand for Driving?

Author(s): Michael Manville, Michael Smart, Dr. David King

Publication Year: 2017

We examine why American driving fell between 2004 and 2014, and consider how planners should respond. We weigh two competing explanations: that the driving downturn was caused by “Peak Car”— a voluntary shift away from driving, and that it was…