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Letter from the UTRC Director

Welcome to the University Transportation Research Center website! As you'll see, we take our mission of serving the transportation needs of our USDOT Region seriously. Indeed, since 1987, UTRC has been making a difference regionally, nationally, and internationally with our excellent research, education, and technology transfer programs, and more.

UTRC has taken on the challenge of addressing a wide range of transportation issues. UTRC faculty and students are addressing this range of regional transportation issues. Perhaps these very broad arrays of work underscores how diverse are the opportunities within the field of transportation. UTRC has worked with Civil, Industrial and Electrical Engineers and Computer Scientists; this is expected. But a team of Psychologists leads one of our most successful projects. We work constantly with Architects, Urban Designers and Urban Planners. We have assembled a strong team of economists and regional scientists to work on a highly visible project for an important regional client. What is most rewarding to the UTRC Faculty is to see the students who have worked on these projects emerge to positions of leadership and responsibility in their agencies, organizations and firms.

Over the years, the Center has developed stronger relationships with local transportation agencies by being more responsive to their needs. As a result, state and local transportation agencies are seeking the Center's help, on a regular basis, to deal with research and training problems that require academic inputs, or the application of state-of-the-art technologies. It is expected that more public agencies and private organizations will participate in the UTRC Research Program.

UTRC provides support to traditional and non-traditional education and training through scholarships, outreach to junior high, high school, community college, undergraduate and graduate students, and professional development programs. The UTRC Advanced Institute for Transportation Education (AITE) provides scholarships for graduate and undergraduate students at UTRC consortium member schools. A tremendous increase in the demand for training has also occurred. Upon a request from the New York Metropolitan Transportation Council (one of our local MPO), UTRC has developed and administered a Technical and Managerial Training Program.

UTRC goes far beyond what might be considered "traditional" technology transfer activities. The Center has designed its Technology Transfer activities to be far-reaching and responsive to the needs of both practicing professionals and interested citizens. By promoting an immediate and ongoing exchange of ideas, regional outreach is provided in many forms including presentations at large and small scale technical briefings, participation in regional transportation projects and advisory boards, representation at major local and national transportation conferences, publication in technical journals, community assistance, seminars, working papers, newsletters, report dissemination, and continual regional contact. In its current and planned state, UTRC's Technology Transfer Program is one of the most broad-based and successful programs in Region 2 and has increased its recognition as a regional resource beyond typical UTC sponsors. The Center provides technical assistance to local community groups. UTRC has been invited to participate in both New York's and New Jersey’s important regional discussions.

The UTRC Technology Transfer program is supported by regional agencies, and literally reaches thousands of professionals, students and lay people. Technical briefings are presented at agencies, upon request, and serve as a stimulus for further interaction between UTRC study teams and regional agencies. UTRC technical meetings have become places to interact and discuss regional issues in a constructive way not always possible in an office setting. UTRC's Technology Transfer Program is well equipped to deliver the message of its theme - "Regional Mobility and Accessibility: Investment Strategies" -to quickly and effectively respond to regional needs and keep the public informed of developing initiatives and opportunities.

We hope you enjoy learning more about our programs and projects, and gain helpful information and resources. We encourage your feedback as our website evolves and hope our site supports your quest for useful and empowering information.

Dr. Camille Kamga