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The Expanding Transportation Network Company “Equity Gap”: Adverse Impacts on Passengers with Disabilities, Underserved Communities, the Environment & the On-Demand Workforce

This report provides an analysis and evaluation of the negative impacts that the

proliferation of Transportation Network Companies (“TNCs”) have had on people with

disabilities, underserved communities, the environment, social responsibility, and the

sharing economy. Methods of analysis include: a look at the past and current climate of

legislation and litigation, as well as the inherent shortcomings in the TNC business

model, that have otherwise halted progress in achieving accessibility in public

The Airport of the Future: A Sustainable & Equitable Ground Transportation Management Paradigm

This report endeavors to identify and convey best and accepted practices for managing commercial ground transportation at airports during construction and redevelopment projects, including when the construction phase is complete and the project is finished, with specific attention to the redevelopment of John F. Kennedy International Airport (“JFK Airport”) in New York City.

Equity Impacts of NYC Congestion Pricing on Taxi and For-Hire Vehicle Drivers and Passengers

There are three principal types of equity considerations that relate to the distribution of benefits and burdens of congestion pricing: (1) income equity, (2) geographic equity, and (3) modal equity. This report attempts to look at first two, with a specific focus on taxi and for-hire vehicle (“FHV”) services.

When misconceptions impede best practices: evidence supports biological control of invasive Phragmites

Development of a biological control program for invasive Phagmites australis australis in North America required 20 years of careful research, and consideration of management alternatives. A recent paper by Kiviat et al. (Biol Invasions 21:2529–2541, 2019. 019-02014-9) articulates opposition to this biocontrol program and questions the ethics and thoroughness of the researchers. Here we address inaccuracies and misleading statements presented in Kiviat et al.

Tragedy in Schoharie, New York, and Stretch Limousine Regulatory Reform

A tragic limousine crash took the lives of 20 people in Schoharie, New York, in 2018. As the small town mourns the loss of life from one of the deadliest transportation disasters in almost a decade, policy makers across the United States may be reexamining the regulations surrounding stretch limousines to ensure more uniform and heightened safety laws and protocols are in place. This article will explore the implications of this high-profile

Preliminary Analysis of the Regional and Social Impacts of the Proposed Monetization of the New Jersey Toll Roads

The Governor of the State of New Jersey, Jon Corzine in his State of the State Address on January 8, 2008 proposed a major set of initiative to solve the general financial problems of the state. A key component of that proposal was a monetization proposal for a number of existing toll roads in the state as well as the addition of tolls to a five mile segment of an existing highway. The core of this proposal is the transfer of control of the toll roads to a public benefit corporation using a concession agreement.

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