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How Social Media Moves New York

This report analyzes the use of social media tools by the New York region’s major transportation providers. It is focused on the effectiveness of their Twitter feeds, which were chosen for their immediacy and simplicity in messaging, and provided a common denominator for comparison between the various transportation providers considered, both public and private. Based on this analysis, recommendations are outlined for improving social media outreach.

The Expanding Transportation Network Company “Equity Gap”: Adverse Impacts on Passengers with Disabilities, Underserved Communities, the Environment & the On-Demand Workforce

This report provides an analysis and evaluation of the negative impacts that the

proliferation of Transportation Network Companies (“TNCs”) have had on people with

disabilities, underserved communities, the environment, social responsibility, and the

sharing economy. Methods of analysis include: a look at the past and current climate of

legislation and litigation, as well as the inherent shortcomings in the TNC business

model, that have otherwise halted progress in achieving accessibility in public

Optimum Fund Allocations to Rehabilitate Transport Infrastructure

Transportation Infrastructure in the US is in need of maintenance and rehabilitation. Preservation of road networks at an acceptable level of serviceability subject to the stringent yearly maintenance and rehabilitation (M&R) budgets is a major challenge for State Departments of Transportation (DOTs). Decision-makers are required to develop an optimum financial plan to minimize the total cost of maintenance and rehabilitation for different expected improvement of the road network performance level during a given planning horizon.

Mode Shift in Transit Under-served Neighborhoods in New York

This research def ines the concept of transit under-served areas (TUSA), and argues that with the right policies TUSA residents have a great potential to reduce car dependency and usage and switch to publ i c t ransi t . It focuses on one important but often overlooked pol i cy—residential parking, in reshaping t ravel patterns in TUSA neighborhoods, using the New York Ci ty region as an example. Nine hundred households were randomly selected from a regional household travel survey in the New York City region.

Mode Shift in Transit Under-served Areas in the New York City Region

This research investigates the impact of residential parking on household travel behavior in transit under-served areas (TUSA) in the New York City region. It focuses on an important but often overlooked issue in reshaping the travel pattern in TUSA neighborhoods- residential parking. It finds that TUSA households with only on-street parking tend to have fewer cars, make fewer vehicle trips, and drive less overall VMT, compared to households with a garage.

Lighting Innovation Increases Pedestrian Safety (TR News, May-June 2010)

Scientists at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute’s Lighting Research Center (LRC) are developing a lighting system to increase the safety of pedestrians crossing the street at nighttime. Led by John Bullough, the researchers evaluated different crosswalk lighting systems to determine which would best illuminate the pedestrian and provide enough background contrast to increase visibility. The study was supported by the New Jersey Department of Transportation and the Federal Highway Administration through the University Transportation Research Center at the City University of New York.

Water Quality Mitigation Banking

<p>Current practice in New Jersey for mitigating stormwater impacts caused by transportation infrastructure projects is established by NJDEP Stormwater Regulations (N.J.A.C. 7:8). These rules outline specific processes to offset impacts to water quality, groundwater recharge and peak rate of runoff/runoff volume resulting from the addition of impervious surfaces. The rules are written to address impacts of individual projects without specific provisions for addressing cumulative programmatic impacts of multiple projects through &#39;mitigation banking&#39;.

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