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The Expanding Transportation Network Company “Equity Gap”: Adverse Impacts on Passengers with Disabilities, Underserved Communities, the Environment & the On-Demand Workforce

This report provides an analysis and evaluation of the negative impacts that the

proliferation of Transportation Network Companies (“TNCs”) have had on people with

disabilities, underserved communities, the environment, social responsibility, and the

sharing economy. Methods of analysis include: a look at the past and current climate of

legislation and litigation, as well as the inherent shortcomings in the TNC business

model, that have otherwise halted progress in achieving accessibility in public

Energy Savings from Transit Passes: An Evaluation of the University at Buffalo NFTA Transit Pass Program for Students, Faculty, and Staff

The University Transportation Research Center – Region 2 supported a study entitled “Connections Beyond Campus: An Evaluation of the Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority – University at Buffalo Transit Pass Program”. Unlimited Access transit passes have become common sustainability programming at many colleges and universities in cities both large and small across the United States.

Transportation credit mortgages, spatial sorting, and housing supply:Who benefits?

<p>Transportation credit mortgage (TCM) programs are intended to reduce auto use, decrease sprawl, and increase housing options for low- and moderate-income households. The centerpiece of such programs is a credit to income for expected savings on auto use for households who purchase a home with good transit access and/or high population density. It is hoped, first, that a higher share of those in target neighborhoods will consist of households who use transit and walk; second, that there will be more housing provided in target neighborhoods.

Sensitivity Analyses of the Best Practice Model (BPM) in the New York Metropolitan Region (Part II)

<p>New York Metropolitan Transportation Council (NYMTC), an association of governments, transportation providers, and environmental organizations, handles the metropolitan transport ation planning throughout New York City, Long Island and the Lower Hudson Valley. In the early 1990s, NYMTC developed a transportation model, the New York Best Practices Model (NYBPM),&nbsp; in response to federal regulations on surface planning, specifically the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA) and the Clean Air Act (CAA).

Multimodal Transportation Safety/Road Traffic Safety in African Countries - Status, Trend, Contributing Factors, Counter Measures and Challenges - Journal

<p>Road traffic crashes and injuries constitute major health, economic, and developmental challenges to African countries. For its 4 per cent of the world?s motor vehicles, the fatalities on African roads exceed 10%. With further motorization, the number of road traffic crashes, injuries and fatalities are expected to continue to grow. The road carnage has severe impact on the human, social and economic development. The present study intends to update the status, trends, causes, existing countermeasure, and issues in traffic safety, facing African countries.

Multimodal Transportation Safety/Road Traffic Safety in African Countries ? Status, Trend, Contributing Factors, Counter Measures and Challenges

Road traffic crashes and injuries constitute major health, economic, and developmental challenges to African countries. For its 4 per cent of the world?s motor vehicles, the fatalities on African roads exceed 10%. With further motorization, the number of road traffic crashes, injuries and fatalities are expected to continue to grow. The road carnage has severe impact on the human, social and economic development. The present study intends to update the status, trends, causes, existing countermeasure, and issues in traffic safety, facing African countries.

Reaching the Potential: The Imperative for Forming National Aviation Policy in a Post 9/11 Environment

<p>The air travel industry is in turmoil. Bankruptcies of commercial air carriers has become commonplace. Increasing fuel costs make profitability wishful thinking for many carriers, and many cities are losing scheduled air service as carriers focus on only the most profitable routes. Complaints about delays are the norm. The benefits that will result from technological improvements are years away. Many in both the private and public sectors describe the system as &#39;broken&#39; and call out for changes in national aviation policy.

Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) DIRECTOR REGION 2 Operational Support Contracts Implementation Plan

<p>The New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) is currently facing a significant challenge in keeping Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) at a high level of availability at the Transportation Operation Center North (TOC North) and Transportation Operation Center South (TOC South). As more and more components are added to the ITS infrastructure, system administration, system management and system operational support become very critical for TOCs. This project was initiated to review current issues facing NJDOT and investigate practices of the other states?

Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) DIRECTOR REGION 2 Operational Support Contracts Implementation Plan

<p>The New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) is currently facing a significant challenge in keeping Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) at a high level of availability at the Transportation Operation Center North (TOC North) and Transportation Operation Center South (TOC South). As more and more components are added to the ITS infrastructure, system administration, system management and system operational support become very critical for TOCs. This project was initiated to review current issues facing NJDOT and investigate practices of the other states?

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