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Equity Impacts of NYC Congestion Pricing on Taxi and For-Hire Vehicle Drivers and Passengers

There are three principal types of equity considerations that relate to the distribution of benefits and burdens of congestion pricing: (1) income equity, (2) geographic equity, and (3) modal equity. This report attempts to look at first two, with a specific focus on taxi and for-hire vehicle (“FHV”) services.

Water Quality Mitigation Banking

<p>Current practice in New Jersey for mitigating stormwater impacts caused by transportation infrastructure projects is established by NJDEP Stormwater Regulations (N.J.A.C. 7:8). These rules outline specific processes to offset impacts to water quality, groundwater recharge and peak rate of runoff/runoff volume resulting from the addition of impervious surfaces. The rules are written to address impacts of individual projects without specific provisions for addressing cumulative programmatic impacts of multiple projects through &#39;mitigation banking&#39;.

Evaluation of Plastic and Recycled Plastic Composite Piling in Corrosive Soil

In the United States millions of piles are used to support residential, commercial, and transportation structures. There are, however, some problems associated with the use of traditional piling. It is now more commonly required to install piles on corrosive and contaminated soils, due to industrialization. The durability of concrete, corrosion of steel, and deterioration of wood are serious hindrances to

Mainstreaming Climate Change Adaptation Strategies into New York State Department of Transportation's Operations (Final Report)

This study identifies climate change adaptation strategies and recommends ways of mainstreaming them into planned actions, including legislation, policies, programs and projects in all areas and at all levels within the New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT).

Part 2 - Performance Standards for Assessing Vegetation Management on Rights-of-Way: Case Study of New York State DOT’s Roadside Rights-of-Way Vegetation Management Program

Rights-of-way vegetation managers are increasingly focused on environmental stewardship. Managers are interested in practices that will produce and demonstrate economically-sound, socially-responsible, and environmentally-sensitive decision making and operational practice. Environmental Management Systems have developed over the past decade to frame and advertise organizational efforts in environmental stewardship, but, to date, these systems have been only strategic/tactical in nature. They have not directly pertained to operations and field performance.

Evaluation of the NJDOT Transportation Management Association Grant Program (Executive Summary)

<p>The NJDOT TMA Grant Program gives qualified TMAs up to $400,000 annually to carry out traffic reduction and clean air initiatives. These dollars have funded the implementation of important national and state mandates. They have given the TMAs a stable financial base, diminishing the need for private funds. These subsidies however, have necessarily moved the TMAs away from a private focus. Consequently, the TMAs have less motivation to champion the needs of their private and local constituents.

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