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Project Dates
2010-01-01T12:00 - 2010-11-30T12:00
Principal Investigators
Project Status

The New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) operates and maintains a network of thousands of miles of conduits, many carrying fiber optic cables that are vital to the State of New Jersey’s communication system. These conduits are located alongside NJ highways and frequently must be located and marked to avoid damage from digging or boring resulting from construction. These conduits were to be located using a system of trace wires and radio frequency detection. However, for various reasons the trace wires are missing and this system is not functioning over a significant portion of the network. This condition puts NJDOT’s entire fiber network in jeopardy.

An effective means for locating these conduits is critically needed to insure to continuity and stability of NJDOT’s fiber optic network that not only carries Statewide Traffic Operations for close circuit TV cameras, VMS, and other information, but also services the NJ State Police, OIT, and NJDOT’s IT unit. The solution must not only meet requirements for accuracy and depth sensitivity, it must also be practical to implement, cost effect, work with both underground metallic and plastic conduits, and be reliable. This research will investigate innovative means for locating under ground conduits, evaluate and compare alternative solutions, and identify and document the most effective systematic solution.