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Project Dates
2002-01-01T12:00 - 2002-12-31T12:00
Principal Investigators
Project Status
Project Objective

The objectives are as follows:

Part A: Energy Absorbing Fender Systems (1) Identify existing technology, which has been used for bridge fender protective systems by other states or countries. (2) Identify State of the Art Systems that are of the Energy Absorbing/Impact deflecting variety that are either currently in use or commercially available. Make sure that the State of the Art Systems conform to the AASHTO Design Guide Specification Commentary for Vessel Collision Design of Highway Bridges. (Volume I Final)

Part B: Precast or Prefabricated Bridge Deck Systems (1) Identify all precast or prefabricated bridge deck system types manufactured in NJ & other states. (2) Provide a Location and History of Performance of the Identified Precast or Prefabricated Bridge Deck Systems. (3) Provide a cost comparison of these systems versus cast-in-place systems. (4) Provide a life cycle cost analysis using these systems.

Part C: Smart Bridges (1) Compile a list of all Smart Bridge installations that have been constructed throughout the United States and Canada along with the types and locations. (2) Ascertain strengths and weaknesses of each system installed and prepare a list detailing the particulars. (3) Provide recommendations as to improvements to systems installed.


Project Abstract

The NJDOT RFP calls for a literature search of the current state of the practice of A. Energy Absorbing Fender Systems, B. Precast or Prefabricated Bridge Deck Systems, and C. Smart Bridges. References were compiled for each of the bridge related parts (A, B and C), and appropriate recommendations were made regarding the state of the art of the items.

Part A : Energy Absorbing Fender Systems It is important to note that although fender systems have been around for quite some time, however, until now they have not been designed to withstand any specific lateral design force; their existing impact capacity is therefore unknown. A recent study reports on the evaluation of crashworthiness of the system and development of more effective retrofit systems [1-3]. The research efforts in this study were concentrated on computational analysis of a jumbo hopper barge impacting a commonly constructed fender. A nonlinear explicit dynamic finite element code was used for analysis. Various initial velocities and impact angles were used to represent possible collision conditions. Computational analyses were adopted to assess the crashworthiness performance of the constructed fender system and it was used to identify the weakest components of the possible retrofit.

Part B : Precast/Prefabricated Bridge Deck Systems As per foregoing background discussions, many advantages are associated with precast systems. The limited survey of literature presented here is aimed at demonstrating the advances in construction techniques, design innovations and experiences of others as well as evaluation of the precast systems in terms of load resistance and durability. Although, almost in all cases the users of the precast systems reported economical benefits and lower construction costs, exact economical analysis and cost comparisons will be accomplished during the implementation part of the project.

Part C : Smart Bridges Smart structures pertain to a class of constructed elements with myriads of capabilities including self-sensing/diagnosis, self-actuation, retrofit, and other self-initiating actions. Smart structure technology has its roots in aeronautics. However, in recent years, a number of civil engineering structures, especially those in earthquake active regions have been built with self-sensing and actuation capabilities. These developments have been occurring in parallel throughout the world, especially in U.S., Japan, and Australia. Transportation structures were next in line in using sensors for self-diagnosis. Many European and Canadian bridges have already been instrumented with sensors. Recently, U.S. transportation officials have developed interest in smart bridges, especially for self-sensing purposes, to detect internal cracks, delamination, and corrosion. A number of compact weigh-in-motion (WIM) sensors have also been investigated with potential for implementation.


Task Descriptions:

Part A.

Task 1. Identify state of the art of current bridge systems in use by other states or countries. Group each as to the type and intended usage and provide a photo or sketch of each type.

Task 2. Identify State of the Art Fender Systems currently available in use by other states or countries that meet the current AASHTO design criteria. These designs can be commercially available or otherwise and also provide a photo or sketch of each type.

Task 3. Rate the designs based on application of cost benefit criteria.

Task 4. Quarterly progress reports, and final report with appropriate tables, graphs and chart in hard copy version, pdf file format, Word97, and on CD ROM

Part B. Task 1. Compile a list of all the Precast or Prefabricated Bridge Deck Systems manufactured in NJ or in other states. Task 2. Provide a performance history of the systems installed as to location, length of time the systems are in service, manufacturers specifications and recommendations, etc. Task 3. Do a comparison of the cost of these systems versus cast-in-place systems.

Task 4. Generate a life cycle cost analysis with use of these systems.

Task 5. Quarterly progress reports, and final report with appropriate tables, graphs and chart in hard copy version, pdf file format, Word97, and on CD ROM.

Part C. Task 1. Identify Smart Bridge Systems that were installed or are in the process of being constructed by other states or Canada. Task 2. Examine any research conducted by State Agencies or Universities to determine strengths and weaknesses of the particular installation. Task 3. Compile a list of recommendations for improvements to the designs of existing installations Task 4. Quarterly progress reports, and final report with appropriate tables, graphs and chart in hard copy version, pdf file format, Word97, and on CD ROM.


Student Involvement:

One civil engineering graduate research assistant will be assigned to the research team at University of Chicago at Illinois, and two at the City College of New York (CCNY). In addition, one minority civil engineering undergraduate research assistant, supported by the Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Program (LSAMP), an NSF funded program, will also be attached to the research team at CCNY, as part of CCNY?s college contribution. Each research assistant will work 10-15 hours per week during the academic year, and full time during the Summer 2002.


Relationship with Other Research Activities



Technology Transfer Activities



Benefits of the Project

The proposed work will aim at a comprehensive review of available technologies, determination of strengths and weaknesses of the current installations, and recommendations for implementation of more advanced and technologically superior systems in New Jersey. Due to the pioneering activities and extensive research experience of the proposer in this area, the research results will lead to important findings paving the way for construction of better and smarter bridges in New Jersey.