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Event Date
2014-11-05 08:30 - 2014-11-05 18:00

Perhaps one of the greatest innovations in transportation is the development of connected and autonomous vehicles. In reaction to this new technology, UTRC2 organized the first annual Connected Vehicle Test-Bed Development & Integration Workshop held at the University of Buffalo in Buffalo, NY on June 1, 2012 and the 2nd Connected and Self-driven Vehicles Symposium held at Rutgers University in Piscataway, NJ on June 17-18, 2013.

Due to the success of these two conferences, UTRC2 is planning the 3rd Connected and Autonomous Vehicle Symposium to be held at the College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering (CNSE) in Albany, NY on November 5, 2014.

At the same time in the fall of 2014, the USDOT is in the process of offering regional pre-deployment workshops and webinars regarding their Connected Vehicle Pilot Deployment Program. It is anticipated that in early 2015 the USDOT will offer solicitations for Wave 1 Pilot Deployment Concepts.

In order to compete for the Wave 1 Pilot Deployment Concepts solicitations it will necessary to have in place a well coordinated consortium of various key stakeholders in State and Local government, universities, research institutions and the private sector that together have developed a list of priority Connected Vehicle applications and begun the process of conceptualizing the deployment of those applications.

Leveraging the strengths of CNSE, which is home to the Smart Cities Smart Cities Technology Innovation Center (SCiTI) and the only fully-integrated, 300mm and 450mm wafer computer chip pilot prototyping and demonstration lines in the world, the SMART Symposium will focus on the University Research Assets, Technology Innovations and available Capital and Economic Development incentives that together offer numerous opportunities for the successful deployment of Connected Vehicles combined with an overview of national Connected Vehicle programs and various State legislative frameworks compared to the current legislative and regulatory framework of New York State. 

Presented by
University Transportation Research Center
In partnership with
SUNY College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering(SUNY CNSE)
Intelligent Transportation Society Of NY (ITS-NY)
New York University (NYU)
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI)
State University of New York Institute of Technology (SUNY IT)
Transportation Informatics (TransInfo),  University at Buffalo/SUNY