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Event Date
2015-05-08 08:00 - 2015-05-08 13:00

 A Conference on Public Transportation and New York's Future

  • New York City is home to the country's most expansive public transportation network, with millions of the region's residents and visitors and the city's $1.3 trillion economy relying on its buses, subways and commuter trains every day. Just as this transit network has shaped what the city has become over the past century, the investments we make today will determine New York City's global competitiveness, affordability and economic development for generations to come.

  • University Transportation Research Center and the Regional Plan Association  organized a conference on May 8th; the nation's transportation leaders convened to discuss how New York City's transit network has shaped the city we know today and the role that transit investments will play in New York's future.


8:00 am - 8:30 am 
Breakfast & Registration
8:30 am - 8:45 am 

Welcoming Remarks

Camille Kamga, Director, University Transportation  Research Center

Robert Paaswell, Distinguished Professor of Civil  Engineering, Director Emeritus, UTRC

8:45 am - 9:10 am

Global Competitiveness and the Future

Robert D. Yaro, President Emeritus, Regional Plan Association

9:10 am - 9:30 am

A Business Perspective

Jesse M. Keenan, Director, The Center for Urban Real Estate

9:30 am - 10:30 am 

Transit Capital - Its Role for Urban Competitiveness

Moderator: Robert E. Paaswell


What Happens when you Disinvest
Beverly Scott, CEO Beverly Scott Associates, LLC 
Rebuilding the MTA
Mortimer Downey, Chair, Washington Metropolitan Transit Authority
Institutional Issues
Joshua Schank, President & CEO, Eno Center for Transportation 
The Dimensions of the Crisis
Emil Frankel, Assistant Secretary for Transportation Policy, US DOT, 2002-2005, Senior Fellow of Eno
10:30 am - 10:45 am
10:45 am - 11:30 am

Transit, Jobs and Housing: Benefits of Transit

Martin Wachs, Distinguished Professor Emeritus, UCLA Luskin 

School of Public Affairs

Elliott Sclar, Professor of Urban Planning, Columbia University and Director, Center for Sustainable Urban Development, The Earth Institute

11:30 am - 12:30 pm

Where's the Money

Moderator - Matt Daus, Distinguished Lecturer, UTRC


Alternative Financing, Debt Service Concerns

Jonathan Peters, Professor, College of Staten Island, CUNY 

Move NY and Fair Housing

David King, Assistant Professor, Columbia University 

From Need to Needed legislation

Peter Derrick, Senior Fellow, NYU Rudin Center for Transportation Management and Policy 

12:30 pm - 12:45 pm

The Future of NY

Rosemary Scanlon, Dean, NYU Schack Institute of Real Estate

12:45 pm - 1:00 pm

Closing Remarks